Community Rank 9A: If People_C < Banditism. Community Rank 4b: A merchant was attacked by Davor the Grey. There are two potential solutions; your reward at the Stability Rank 9 throne room event depends on whether your kingdom's stat matches your choice. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Improving Economic Status (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Economic bonus). Culture Rank 9: Larzios opera premiered. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Maintaining a successful kingdom is important to completing Pathfinder Kingmaker. "From this day forth, the creation of undead is forbidden." -, " Any subject who has received a necromancer's license may carry on with their work as before." This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting the Eastern Regions. Let them build Gorums temple." This means that focusing on Economy early can be very important in the long term. - (Jubilost, Maegar, and Bartholomew's choice). Jhod from what have researched is a Lawful character but Harrim has almost double his wisdom mod, which will only get higher as I level and gear him. Instead, it raises the BP threshold for every other kingdom stat. Espionage Rank 5B: This event occurs if you reported the treachery to Gralton under the Rank 3 event. NPC auto - unlocks the Project: Eternal Guardians. Kanerah is special as she can be recruited far sooner than any other Treasurer, but only when owning The Wildcard expansion. You will gain bonuses or penalties to Stats depend on your choice for the theme of the opera during the Rank 6 event. But I expect they will be forgiven, if each chief sacrifices a part of their wealth to the temple of one of the gods." Several major bandit leaders recognize you as a leader and ask how they can thank you. you have to do jhods training to unlock him as an advisor i think, it was the same way with one of the other advisors you can get. Here are the advisers, their alignment, and how to recruit them: As noted, you cant have every adviser at once. You don't need to train people before using them. Once you achieve Rank IV Community, the Regent will help unlock the Diplomat role and support it until it levels. Thanks! -, I will not deal with such trifles! -, " Certain security measures will simply have to be let go." From a story standpoint, religion plays a crucial part with characters worshipping different gods, having various perspectives on how the world works, and the essential qualities a person should have. She's your third option for the High Priest position, mainly to give Evil kingdoms a bone over Jhod or Harrim. Litran executed the kingdoms agents in revenge. You need to investigate your people to discover the spies. The Treasurer role can be filled by Jubilost (CN), Kanerah (LE), Bartholomew Delgado (LE), or Maeger Varn (CG) and receives a bonus from Intelligence. (Kassils choice, Amiri disapproves). [CG god of freedom and wine] (CG moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Cayden Cailean. " Let them tend to the roads and guard foreign caravans with their lives!" Valve Corporation. Maybe a change in the 1.1 beta? The Minister rarely conducts projects in the open, preferring to approach the lord in direct one-on-one meetings. (LE moral choice) -, Throw the mercenaries out of the capital. This is an absolutely fantastic post and appears to be the general source for this information (which also appears on the wiki). The idols around the capital were part of a seal keeping away monsters. This throne room event also unlocks one of three Projects based on your choice during the Rank 7 event: Economy Rank 1: The Treasurer asks you how to deal with treasures left in the Stag Lords cellars: Economy Rank 2: The Treasurer asks you about taxes. The High Priest can also recommend temples of a major deity like Abadar, Gorum, Asmodeus, and Cayden Cailean. Arcane Rank 8B: If Arcane Amoral < Arcane Control. 3.2 Missing Child. Order them returned to the people. -, We will use them to revive the villages that suffered the most under the Stag Lords reign. -, [Gain 60 BP] Take these riches to the treasury. -, impacts the result of the Kingdom trait you can obtain at the Rank 8 throne room event with Kanerah, [Pay 2 BP each week] I have another proposal. Only on level up. Possible Diplomats include Valerie (LN), Linzi (CG), or Bartholomew Delgado (LE) and gets a bonus for Charisma. This triggers the Event: Magical Anomaly [Treasurer, High Priest]. You only get this option if you built a school in the Culture Rank 1 throne room event. The daughter of a well-known merchant has gone missing. " - Divine +3. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Arcane Lobby (-10% to the cost of buildings with a static Arcane bonus). -, The kingdom requires developed trade. Espionage Rank 9: The kingdoms counterattack was successful. Wait.harrim can be a high priest? You will not be able to get the throne room event for Rank 6 for any stat (and the associated Rank Up Project) until, after you complete the Quest: Coronation in Act 5. I wouldnt recommend completing this Project if you are aiming to get the Achievement for 100 random encounters. (Jhods choice). Shandra can actually be a more ideal Councilor, especially as she has advantages over the other two coronation advisers, Kassil and Lander. Arcane Rank 9: The kingdoms successes allow for an ambitious project. Can I really afford to wait that long or is everything going to be okay? Your choice here determines which room event you get for Relations Rank 6. Military Rank 3: The General asks you to appoint a Warden and asks you where to build barracks (60 exp). His magical surveillance system sounds most promising. - (. Possible Warden candidates include Regongar (CE), Ekundayo (LG), or Kesten Garess (LN) and relies on Constitution. However, not all of them may best suit your realm and leader. Bartholomew can be a good back up if you decide to play without the DLC. Your Advisors will give you different takes on the situations and different advice based on their alignments and personal beliefs. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. Thanks Plainoldcookies, for this info! You gain strong benefits on Success or Triumph and suffer harsh penalties on Failure or Disaster, so you may want to use Crisis Points as necessary. Information on this event 3B comes courtesy of Runetooth. Loyalty Rank 7A: The people want to clear and plow oak groves. If you have a Lawful Evil adviser, but enact only Chaotic Good policies you will lose favor. Economy Rank 9: The Treasurer asks how to spend some idle funds. Culture Rank 3: The kingdom can support one of three projects. Whether you have true intentions to back these areas or are fueling them for your personal gain, it's not a position to worry about too much. This throne room event unlocks the Building: Military Academy. As a Cleric, Tristian has the best stats for this role. Loyalty Rank 7B: The merchants want all trade to go through the trade guild. Although the Choice effects for each option state that you gain a fixed amount of BP/region and BP/upgraded region with each choice, but you don't actually get those BP as best as I can tell, so I included them in brackets. Why? (LN moral choice) -, We should strive to live in harmony with nature. - the, [Pay 200 BP] I command you to begin renovating the slums. -, Order your men to patrol the slums more frequently. -, "Support our native merchants with special privileges ." -, Open publishing houses to print newspapers for our subjects abroad. -, Let the General establish a regiment for foreigners who will serve in the military in exchange for citizenship. -, Our domain will accept every oppressed fugitive from foreign lands. -. -, (Jaethal only) [Pay 200 BP] Give Lorzio a sense of just how much he owes us. -, (Linzi and the Storyteller only) [Pay 100 BP] Larzio may build his stage upon the main square. Larzio should write of commitment to duty. The miscreant shall be fined." If Concealment > Fear, Assassins. For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. Don't let your realm stats drop to zero or lower this will cause your subjects to riot, and your state will begin to crumble. Let's Go Luna! Their primary concern is of the kingdom Community stat, but their actions can also tilt Economy, Loyalty, Stability, and Culture. This is the first of multiple decisions related to Larzios opera, and your decisions determine the results of the Culture Rank 9 throne room event and are summed up there in a table. -, Place all the drug addicts in health institutions. (NG moral choice) -, Remove all the addicts from their stations. (LN moral choice) -, Hang the drug addicts. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Loyalty Rank 2: A trader was discovered to have previously sold goods for the Stag Lord. Plan ahead, save often in multiple slots, and you can create an ideal and thriving region. Funny thing, I cannot pick Tristian as priest. One option is setting the head of Graltons guards against the armys commander. If you are unhappy with an adviser you can always replace them (unless they are currently on assignment). Loyalty Rank 3: A newspaper publisher has escaped from Galt to your lands and wants to found a printing house. I wish to influence the minds of my subjects. - gain a, Leave the charm to the one who found it. -, [Pay 500 gold] Buy the charm and give it to the appraiser. -, Seize the charm by force and give it to the appraiser. -, I forbid this necromancer from practicing his dark arts in my realm. -, From now on there will be no more magical experiments within the city walls. I dont care for this risk. As the teams Wizard, Octavia is a great option unless she is busy as a Regent. and our Arcane Rank 1: An appraiser of magical items is offering you a gift. Plus, since she prefers Chaotic and Good selections, both Valerie and Bartholomew are suitable backups. Should it be my top priorty to recruit advisors that fit my Alignment, or should I prioritise story companions who seem to have better stats. When planning and managing territory in Pathfinder Kingmaker, it is important to keep an open mind about mechanics. Despite being of the Cleric class, Harrim doesnt have remarkably high stats for the job. I'm on the bloom chapter and I've never had that option. You cannot make Valerie auuto-choose. (NE moral choice) -, Hang ten citizens of Galt in our territories for every victim among our people. (CE moral choice). On the other hand, your choices when your advisors seek an audience with you (at/before any rank up) do matter to the plot outcome. Culture Rank 5: A newspaper is engaged in yellow journalism and printing lies about you. There's no doubt that war will appear through the entirety of Pathfinder since that's what you're introduced to in the very opening of the game. The school will be closed on my authority." Espionage Rank 4A: This event occurs if you delivered the list to Galt or sold the information in Daggermark under the Rank 3 event. Divine Rank 4: There is a cult of Erastil that is engaged in blood sacrifices (Community -3, Loyalty -3, Divine -7, Stability -3). Community Rank 7: Rich bandits want to go straight and are asking for pardons. Espionage Rank 4B: This event occurs if you reported the treachery to Gralton under the Rank 3 event. As expected he prefers Lawful actions, to the point of sometimes advocating for Lawful Evil instead of Chaotic Good. Their focus is on improving Relations, but can also form policies on Economy, Espionage, Military, and Culture. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting Pitax. You will stop supporting Larzio after this event and gain +0 to +4 BP/week, depending on the total amount of support you previously gave. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Treasurer oversees the kingdoms wealth and taxation. RELATED: The Best Pathfinder: Kingmaker Classes, Ranked. Don't worry too much about the ending slides (if that's something you'd do). This guide will show how to recruit and use the kingdom advisers. Espionage Rank 7: The traitors have revealed that they were hired by someone in Daggermark. Divine - High Priest. We will place training camps nearby the capital. - unlocks the Project: Training Camps near the Capital (+2 to the General' rolls to take advantage of Opportunities). [LN god of law and wealth] (LN moral choice) - this is supposed to unlock the Building: Temple of Abadar; however, this appears to be bugged, and I dont believe you can actually build this buildingunlike with the other three temples. Jubilost makes a fine replacement as Alchemists favor medium to high Dexterity as well. These temples are buildings that can only be built in towns or cities and not villages. The role can be filled by Amiri (CN), Regongar (CE), or Kassil Aldori (LG) and is improved with Strength. Each of the ten positions has at least three characters who are qualified to hold it. Press J to jump to the feed. If Concealment > Fear, Relations +5. 5 The Varnhold Vanishing. The choice here determines which event you get at the Community Rank 4 throne room event. Espionage Rank 8: The enemy is the Poisoners guild or Assassins guild in Daggermark. -. The possible suitors for the job are Jubilost (CN), Kanerah (LE), Bartholomew Delgado (LE), and Maegar Varn (CG). Needless to say, these summaries have spoilers. The people are petitioning for restrictions on the use of magic in densely inhabited places. This triggers the Event: Silent Death [Treasurer, High Priest]. The tasks of a Minister also follow along as what is essentially an extra-long side mission for you to unravel and solve. -, We shall hold a fair for the common people. Gralton has kidnapped your people and thrown them into prison. - no change. Contents 1 Biography 2 Interactions 3 Camping 4 Starting statistics 5 Starting Equipment Biography 2 Stolen Land. The Magister affects not only the Arcane stat but also Divine and Community. Espionage Rank 2: They arrested a spy from Daggermark. Yeah curator are both kinda , thankfully I was LE so the first one made sense in a way. And his production should be funded as well." Loyalty Rank 4: A local merchant wants to avoid taxes in exchange for saying nice things about you. The in-game text description of the results for a custom NPC will generally list 1 more point in the relevant kingdom stat than other Advisors. The following also happens: Relations Rank 6B: If you rejected the trade agreement in the Rank 2 event, Razmiran spies fail to get your people addicted to drugs. Once youve assigned an Advisor to a position, you will get a special throne room event each time you unlock the next Rank Up Project for the associated kingdom stat. If you can't make Jhod your High Priest, make sure that you don't have Harrim already in the spot and working on an event or project. Community Rank 5: Davor the Grey has sparked a riot in the Narlmarches to try to overthrow you (Community -10 and the unrest state worsens by 1 step [i.e., stable -> worried]). Your choices will usually have an impact on your kingdom, in the form of increased or decreased kingdom stats, BP, and money, or by unlocking Projects and Events. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Crimefighters (+2 to Wardens rolls to solve Problems). Gorum: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Gorum (+2 to General's rolls on Events; +2 bonus to General's rolls to solve Problems for every 20 points of Military above 200, up to a max of +20; receive 5 BP each time an Event is successfully resolved by the General). Explore properties. Loyalty Rank 8: This throne room event depends on your prior Loyalty decisions. The exp awarded may be level-dependent, and you may get different amounts in your game. Regarding reimbursement the Brevan will have to do without it." Octavia (CG), The Storyteller (TN), and Vordakai (NE) are the candidates of which are the neutral evil options - Vordakai is the most dangerous choice because of your peoples' reception. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Laying the Foundation (-10% cost of buildings with a static Stability bonus). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Choose wisely! We wont be opening a university. - no change. Community Rank 9B: If People_C > Banditism. I will allow Abadars followers to erect a temple in his honor." Be warned, many of their ideas cost huge amounts of BP, and can leave the kingdom in financial ruin if not properly budgeted. Completing this with the Minister gives Lamashtu Worship +1. His published works have appeared on GameSpot, EGM, and App Annie. Octavia is more like everyone should be free and do w/e they want + second chances all arround .She shares those views as a magister as well where she is agaist magic regulation. The choice here determines which event you get at the Divine Rank 7 throne room event. As you level up your kingdom stats the NPC advisors (like Jhod) will have level up projects that puts them on par with your companions.