Fairfield school diversity director aims to help every student thrive Josh LaBella Feb. 5, 2022 3 FAIRFIELD If a primary aspect of diversity, equity and inclusion work is education, Fairfield Public Schools' new DEI director certainly has a good pedigree. In addition to studying the migrants and the reasons for their international movement, participants have the opportunity to discuss opposing perspectives on the immigration policies of developed countries. Fairfield University named Don C. Sawyer III, PhD, the new vice president of diversity, inclusion and belonging on Monday. Fostering inclusion and understanding across the many human differences that often divide and marginalize, the Fairfield community is united in its reverence for the human dignity of every person. The Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs supports a wide variety of diverse and affinity clubs that allow students to be engaged outside of the classroom. This course is an in-depth analysis of capital punishment. This course introduces major monuments of the arts of Asia, including architecture, painting, sculpture, ceramics, and prints. We recognize that viable solutions to enduring problems emerge when people with diverse backgrounds and skills work together with mutual respect, toward common goals. SOCI 2215Death Penalty in America3 Credits, Attributes: ASSO American Studies: Sociology, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, PACJ Public Administration Criminal Justice, PJST Peace and Justice Studies. This course follows the emergence of this concept from the political and ethical thought of the Greeks, to the Enlightenment, to the explicit formulation of "human rights" in the 20th century as a guiding principle of international relations. We aspire to be an inclusive, welcoming community that is representative of an ever-changing and diverse global populace. School of Education and Human Development, Gaining Perspective When the World Goes Off. Attributes: ASRS American Studies: Religion, ASUP American Studies Upper Level, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, IWHU Islamic World Studies: Humanities, RSST Religious Studies Major Track, UDIV U.S. Diversity. ENGL 1720Literacy and Language3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, UDIV U.S. Diversity. There are many dimensions to diversity that go well beyond obvious differences such as race, gender, age, physical ability, and marital status. We explore essential questions related to difference that all human societies have encountered over time. Available to all students regardless of their major, the minor in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) was designed for students who are passionate about social justice. Made up of more than 15 faculty and staff members representing multiple campus departments, the Presidential Working Group was founded by University President Mark R. Nemec, PhD, to support and provide radical hospitality to diverse populations through teaching, learning, scholarship, and service. Students explore topics such as modernity, nationalism, individualism, gender, and cultural identity in the modern cultural-historical context. At Fairfield University, by encouraging dialogue, communication, community partnerships, and a culture of understanding around diversity, equity and inclusion, we foster in our students, faculty, and staff the capacity and desire to build a better world. The Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs supports a wide variety of diverse and affinity clubs that allow students to be engaged outside of the classroom. Students examine the evolution of spirituals, minstrel songs, and ragtime as they relate to dance forms; the role of African-Americans as performers and composers in classical music and music of the theatre; and the blues as it evolves into jazz, soul, reggae, funk, disco, and rap. Previously AY 0111. We will focus on the structure, practices, content, and outcomes of schooling in contemporary society. This course is designed to give an inter-professional perspective to students interested in health care from any field of study. Languages and Identities: Sociolinguistic Approaches to Spanish in the U.S. Culture, Civilization, and Literature in the Spanish-American Caribbean Region. The Magis Core Curriculum weaves three signature elements throughout the disciplinary-based core courses: an interdisciplinary element, a writing intensive element, and a social justice element that incorporates a focus on race, gender, and class. The purpose of this paper is to present specific teaching strategies, classroom activities, and service learning assignments that can be adapted across disciplines to meet equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) focused learning objectives. We aspire to be an inclusive, welcoming community that is representative of an ever-changing and diverse global populace. Students who pursue the minor take an introductory course that establishes a breadth of topics in economics and business that are impacted by individual personal characteristics such as race, class, and gender. Although race can be considered as one of several physical features of an individual, this course will investigate the recent research and literature in the field of Critical Race Theory that critiques this purely biological conception. Why does talk of the underclass imply Black Americans and Latinos? After considering the cognitive and motivational factors that contribute to stereotyping and prejudice, students will proceed to examine prejudice in the "real world," exploring literature on discrimination-related policies, effects of stereotyping, prejudice, and identity on achievement and status, and prejudice reduction programs. University Establishes Inclusion and Diversity Council Sep 11, 2020 | News, Student News & Resources The Inclusion and Diversity Council was created at Post University to establish a long-term commitment for Post to be a genuine leader in influencing meaning change in our society. Why are there systematic patterns of race, class, and gender inequality in education? The School has a rich history and renewed commitment to racial justice and education in service of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Home - Diversity and Inclusion Our Vision Diversity and inclusion are at the very foundation of the transformational experience at Tufts. P: (203) 254-4100F: (203) 254-4199admis@fairfield.edu. Meet the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion faculty. SPAN 4359Culture, Civilization, and Literature in the Spanish-American Caribbean Region3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, LCSC LACS Minor: Spanish Culture and Literature, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, WDIV World Diversity. At Fairfield University, by encouraging dialogue, communication, community partnerships, and a culture of understanding around diversity and equity and inclusion, we foster in our students, faculty, and staff the capacity and desire to build a better world. This course analyzes the writings of leading social and political thinkers, with special consideration of the movements of protest and dissent. The Office of Undergraduate Admission is committed to recruiting a more diverse community of students including (and not limited to) students of color, students from under-represented backgrounds, and first generation students. How have they both been shaped by and contributed to the socio-cultural transformations? ECON 2114Economics of Race, Class, and Gender in the American Workplace3 Credits, Attributes: EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, UDIV U.S. Diversity, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused. Dr. Sawyer has over 20 years of higher educational experience in "university-community partnerships and diversity and inclusion programs," according to the University's press release. Bosnia, Somalia, Guatemala, the Holocaust: The notion of human rights and accusations of human rights violations are a constant presence in our political environment and in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy. Dr. 23 Jan 2023 18:43:17 During this course, students will gain an understanding of the social, ecological, and environmental determinants of health; recognize the roles of public policy and cultural values in maintaining health inequities in the U.S. and globally; and develop the ability to advocate for solutions to public health problems using a social justice approach. ENGL 1260American Social Protest Literature3 Credits, Attributes: ASEN American Studies: Literature, ASGW American Studies: Gateway, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, PJST Peace and Justice Studies. In 2018 Warde students traveled to San Diego to share the progressive work they are doing through their Identity and Education Conference, and on-going work in FPS schools. Fairfield is committed to providing a safe, affirming, and inclusive community for students. This course explores black art and culture in the twentieth century. SPAN 3286Languages and Identities: Sociolinguistic Approaches to Spanish in the U.S.3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, SPME Spanish Major or Minor Elective. Previously AH 0104. Crosslisted with INST1052. It also considers what sociologists and social psychologists have learned about improving dominant/minority relations. Students learn to understand, discuss, and differentiate between stylistic periods and their historical relevance to American culture. The week-long celebration is a series of events that seek to engage students, staff, faculty, and our local communities in a dialogue about justice and the recognition of all human dignity. We are committed to pursuing shared standards of excellence. The course will be run as a combination of lecture and small group discussion and will make use of web-based background materials to provide context and depth to the readings. 24% percent of students are minorities or people of color (BIPOC).The ethnic breakdown is detailed in the following table. Previously PB 0101. POLI 2253Latin American Politics3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective, PMCP Politics Major: Comparative Politics, WDIV World Diversity. Dear Members of the Fairfield University Community: Over the last few weeks, I have been sharing with you thoughts about the global pandemic and our Universitys response to the ongoing challenges we have faced as a learning community, as we adapt to these circumstances. In our examinations we will focus on case studies of urbanization and race such as post-Katrina New Orleans, southern migration to Chicago, and Bridgeport. ENGL 1300Literature by Women: Vision and Revision3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, ENAM American Literature, ENBR British Literature, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused. This course takes a look at racism and issues of gender in America, and how musicians of diverse backgrounds have collaborated and contributed to the evolution of American music despite prejudice and adversity. Vice President for Mission and Ministry Rev. HIST 2205Anti-Semitism: Medieval to Modern3 Credits, Attributes: CAOT Catholic Studies: Non-Religious Studies, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, H_BF History Before 1750, H_EU European History, JST Judaic Studies Minor. ASML 3.9. . This course introduces human genetics to the non-science major. As we study the Atlantic world and globalization across several centuries, we will examine cultural syncretism, commodity culture rooted in the Triangle Trade, and creative endeavors in literature and the arts (painting and sculpture, film, music, dance, theatre). Previously BI 0071. The PDF will include all pages within the 2022-2023 Graduate Catalog. Director of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Pejay Lucky is building community. Weighing the impact of gender with race and class on everyday life, we explore the intersectional features of identity from multiple perspectives. Less Diverse More Diverse The undergraduate student body is split among 20 states (may include Washington D.C.). This course is an introduction to the discipline of history through a survey of American women's experiences from the pre-colonial era to the 1960s. Are the innocent ever convicted and executed? SOCI 2135Race in the Americas3 Credits, Attributes: BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, BSHI Black Studies: History, BSSS Black Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, H_AF History After 1750, H_NW Non-Western History, H_US U.S. History, LCEL LACS Minor: Elective. This team-taught course explores the construction of race throughout the Americas. Whether on or off campus, we always strive to integrate intellect with action for justice. A final project asks students to consider ways to raise awareness about a social issue at the University or in the larger community. This course explores the long tradition of non-violent social protest in American literature. 2 Email / Message . 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824 (203) 254-4000, School of Education and Human Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Faculty, Economics of Race, Class, and Gender in the American Workplace, Three (3) additional, specified courses (please see the. The capstone course, "Diversity in the Workplace," will provide students with the opportunity to integrate the content and context they have learned into their understanding of modern business and economic decision-making. Diversity and Inclusion . Students will read, study, and critically analyze relevant documents, and cultural materials from pre-Columbian populations until the contemporary period. 4 jobs using the terms 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' to view and apply for now with The Chronicle of Higher Education Jobs | by Relevance. . Topics of discussion include the structure and function of genes, modes of inheritance, gene editing, sex and gender, race, and human genetic diversity. MUSC 2201Hip-Hop and Its Antecedants3 Credits, Attributes: BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, MUAM American Music, MUHI Music History, UDIV U.S. Diversity, VPCH Visual and Performing Arts Core: History Course. Catholic Leaders say Floyds Death, Demonstrations A Wake-up CallCrux June 1, 2020. View More Dolan News Read Full Story How is the U.S. position on the death penalty perceived by the international community? This study and explanation of distinctive elements of Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Central American countries focuses on the fusion of indigenous, Black, and Hispanic as manifestation in the Spanish-American Caribbean Region. A Juneteenth Message From the President Mark R. Nemec, PhD. The course does so by assessing whether or not the contemporary Hip Hop movement can overcome the barriers of race, class, and gender. The course traces the roots of rock, blues, and country styles, showing how they merged with popular music. Previously PY 0221. 3 Credits, Attributes: ASRS American Studies: Religion, BSAH Black Studies: Arts and Humanities, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, RSST Religious Studies Major Track, UDIV U.S. Diversity. Imani Perry Explores Intersection of Race, Gender, and SexualityMarch 5, 2020. The same founding principles have guided our community over time as we continue to work towards a more inclusive and diverse campus. Embracing the challenges of competing viewpoints is integral to the rigor of our academic enterprise, pushing the horizons of what is known and possible as we pursue our commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. I am a current sophomore public health major at Fairfield University's Marion Peckham Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies. Emphasis is given to social, ethical, and legal aspects of the current system that remain unresolved, such as access to care, health disparities, and equity. View all Yale University jobs in New Haven, CT . MLK essay contest winner: Building the Beloved CommunityFebruary 28, 2021, A Humanitarian Crisis Within a Space of ExceptionFebruary 26, 2021, 2021 MLK Keynote Address to Fairfield PrepFebruary 23, 2021, Introducing Cristina Beltrn, PhDFebruary 17, 2021, Re-membering by Associate Vice Provost for Scholarly, Creative, and Community Engagement Professor of Politics Jocelyn M. Boryczka, PhDJune 19, 2020, Supporting Educators to Cultivate Conversations Surrounding Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in the Classroom June 1, 2020, Descendants of Families Enslaved at Monticello Speak at Quick CenterFebruary 12, 2020, MLK Celebration at Fairfield UniversityJanuary 17, 2020, The theme of the 2020 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration is The Challenge of Change: Intersectional Justice and Democracy., Gadioma and Ugwu Win FUSA Election in Landslide VoteFebruary 27, 2020. Connecting community and campus to create high impact academic opportunities, the Center for Social Impact addresses local, national, and global challenges and develops individuals committed to creating a more just and equitable world. Following a call and mission to serve, Jesuits often established academic institutions in under-served communities that were otherwise ostracized and denied access to education. We embrace, support and celebrate the unique characteristics of diverse identities and cultures. Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management, School of Education and Human Development, Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Narrative, Learn More About the Cura Personalis Program, Learn More About the Diversity in Action Podcast, Learn More About Gender Inclusive Resources, Learn More About the Office of Accessibility, Learn More About Student Diversity Programs, Learn More About Undocumented Student Resources. Learn more about our Racial and Social Justice Resources, the Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, Diversity in Action, Services & Initiatives for students and more! Students will focus on the social integration and identity adjustments of refugees in their host communities and/or country. This course will familiarize students with basic and applied social psychological research on stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and minority experience. The Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee invites the Fairfield community to honor activists in our communities and to reflect on the lessons and legacies of Dr. King. This course surveys the history of Europe and the Atlantic world and their encounters with East Asia from the 1400s to the 1800s. This course surveys the art and architectural history of China, Korea, and Japan, emphasizing cultural and artistic contact between these cultures. As widespread violence and unrest grip the United States over the killing of yet another unarmed African-American man, the countrys Catholic bishops condemn the act saying, racism has been tolerated for too long. A team of science and mathematics faculty members has been awarded a prestigious grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to transform the introductory experience for STEM students, with the goal of improving retention and success for all students, especially for students of color and others who have been traditionally excluded from these disciplines. In these ways, Fairfield University strives for the magis (the more) in a way that defines modern Jesuit Catholic education. PHIL 2265Philosophy and Economic Anthropology3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, PMMP Philosophy Major: Major Philosopher. The historic diversity of Muslim communities on the continent will be explored through their respective beliefs, cultures, and sense of identity. When people feel valued, respected, and empowered, they are more motivated to work together for the common good of all. ANTH 2010Culture and Political Economy3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, MWAC Magis Core: Writing Across Curriculum. The course focuses on the role of empires, imperialism, and colonialism in shaping world history. Previously SO 0185. Note: This course counts as a natural science core but does not satisfy requirements for the biology major or minor. PHIL 2267(De)Colonizing the Human3 Credits, Attributes: BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective. Artists studied will not be those with the highest number of albums sold, but those with significant musical or lyrical content and impact on hip-hop as a whole. A college's ethnic diversity is indicated by the student body's equal inclusion of students from different backgrounds . CHIN 2250Modern China Through Fiction and Film3 Credits, Attributes: ANMC Asian Studies Elective, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, WDIV World Diversity. 52 Diversity Equity Inclusion jobs available in Fairfield, CT on Indeed.com. This course surveys the history of Jewish-Christian interaction in Europe from late antiquity until the Dreyfus Affair, with emphasis on the 10 centuries between the ninth and the 19th. Previously EN 0101. The Office of Student Diversity Programs & Multicultural Affairs serves the University community by providing support and activities for students that enhance their overall experience and knowledge in respect to the rich diversity and culture that exists at Fairfield and in our global society. Provide leadership with community partnership opportunities that will foster the University's environment for diversity and inclusion. ANTH 1125Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, WDIV World Diversity, WSGF Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Focused. Following a national search, Don C. Sawyer III, PhD, a visionary academic leader with more than 20 years of higher education experience leading university-community partnerships and diversity and inclusion programs, will join Fairfield University as the new vice president of diversity, inclusion, and belonging, beginning July 1, 2023.
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