When Scorpioshavetemper tantrums, they are likely to scream and break things. Carefully listens to everything that start with "so, last night". all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. However, if you are extremely close to them, consider yourself privileged. Taurus can be stubborn and overindulgent. Lifestyle, level of education, social circle, upbringing influence the formation of personality. An Aquarius isnt usually angry, however, whenever they are, they scare people to another level. When Leos are good, they're very, very good, but when they're bad, they're horrid. Related Reading: What Are Your Most Valuable Zodiac Sign Traits? Bonobology.com is the couple-relationship destination for Indians everywhere! But it is the dominant Aries that trumps other dangerous zodiac signs representing the element of fire with an aggression that can turn murderous if the circumstances so demand. When things dont go their way, they can get very angry. This is the point when they can say hurtful things and become verbally threatening. If you believe in astrology, youd know that where we are placed in the sun sign chart influences the personalities and the opinions we develop. They are usually angry for right reasons. Astrology is one of the oldest and most complex sciences in the history of mankind. Leo and Libra Love Compatibility: Strengths and Challenges, When a charismatic, optimistic, fun, friendly, playful, and spontaneous Leo is matched with a refined, luxury-loving, artsy, magnetic, and commitment-oriented Libra, there's tons of positive energy, Exploring the Negative Traits of a Sagittarius. They have a short fuse, and anger quite easily depending on the situation. When these personalities get angry, everyone knows about that. They remind a nuclear bomb that explodes with rage and it is difficult to escape from it. Known for his cruel nature and being responsible for massive bloodshed and violence, it is often reported he felt no remorse for his actions. In fact, they would not mind being called divine either. If some zodiac signs are well known for being the most romantic, the most friendly at work, the kindest Others are known for being the most jealous, the most hated, or the most dangerous of the zodiac. They are mild people, but once they get angry, then they may not able to control it. "They can [] reconsider what will be the next thing to come out of their mouths, and make a choice to say something constructive." Once they recognize this tendency in themselves, they can learn how to extinguish their temper before it gets out of hand. "I suggest the Leo say something like, 'When you did that, it hurt my feelings and made me upset.'" When they are angry, they firmly believe that they are correct and cannot back down from any discussion. Gemini (May 21 to June 21) "The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes." Few other zodiac signs are as lethal as this air sign. The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes.. Not to forget their nonchalant attitude that makes it difficult to judge the havoc this sign can cause. Whereas other signs will be the type to call you 17 times in one night or cry at your doorstep for months post-split . They may even stab you with their harsh words. For instance, among the zodiac signs driven by the fire element, Sagittarius natives are not good with compassion. Moreover, they often raise their voices being in a fury so it is better to leave them alone before their fire goes out. At all. Taurus. How zodiac signs react when they're mad is often reflective of the less-than-savory traits and secrets associated with each sign. They are too proud to throw stupid tantrums like the other fire sign Aries, but they can surely be indifferent when things do not go their way. When people have days like this, pretty much anything will irritate them. Impulsive and passionate, Leos commit crimes to get attention or fame. Believe it or not, even dreamy Pisces can have a bad temper. If it happens, Capricorns get furious and can be easily referred to the most angry zodiac signs. Leos anger, what makes this zodiac sign angry? They know their self worth . "[They can] take a look at their behavior and reconsider their motives and the effect of their actions," Shumsky says. RELATED:The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Leo Zodiac Sign. Because theyre always playing a drama, people who are dealing with them when theyre angry should let subtleties go. They can become really aggressive and hard to handle once they lose their cool and enter into a fight. 4. There are no comments in this article yet. But while he continues to be one of the most adored figures in the hip-hop world, hes also the most controversial. You will agree that stars and planets do impact our behavior and temper as well as the way we build relationships with others. A Leo who goes to the dark side can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable. Cancer. Aries can have a hot temper, all thanks to their ruling planet which may account for their other fiery habits, too. They try not to show what happens inside them and can control their emotions very well. They can be scornfully arrogant, disdainfully pompous, and speak or behave towards others in a way that seems friendly but also lets others know they are superior. They just need time to cool down. Leos attach great importance to their pride. They dont hesitate in justifying the means via which they are willing to achieve the end. Therefore, they shouldnt be told theyre looking tired or that theyve gotten old. Leos born on the Virgo cusp are passionate, focused and hard workers. "Aries is the commander-in-chief of explosive arguments and flying off the handle," says Cooban." This sign is led by Mars, the planet of passion and energy, so when things are going well, they're going really well. The situation with Taureans is similar because they are full of violence and obsession being angry. Leos don't like to be unhappy, and they are quick to forgive when the apology is done right. But some people have buttons that you should NEVER press. Leo may decide they want a partner who's much more attentive and will end things with the ram. This also makes it difficult for them to set healthy boundaries when it comes to achieving what they want. Yet, they wait for the proper opportunity to attack . Taurus Its easy to make them angry because they only want to be in the spotlight and are very egotistical. In most cases, the most furious personalities are of fire signs or ruled by warrior planets. They have little patience for anyone who annoys them when they are mad. Social, adventurous, vivacious and upbeat, Libras detest monotony. When this happens, they lose their regal composure, become dramatically ferocious, and metaphorically go for the kill. If the situation is extreme, they can discreetly try to take down the person who disturbed them, but this cannot be seen in them. Their idealistic vision of life can often make them forget about the consequences of their actions. Leos have trouble keeping their cool. They are looking to say any word just to shake peoples confidence. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Tauruses are stubborn and uncompromising. Leo. When the bad situation is gone and the worst that could happen is no longer part of it, they are going out of their way to make sure that they are once again appreciated and loved. These natives have more the tendency to isolate themselves and to not talk about their problems because they dont want to end up being embarrassed. Undoubtedly. You will agree that different people get angry because of absolutely various reasons. They also dont like for others to plan their wardrobe or to be asked where they got their clothes from. Have you seen a bull running towards a red fabric piece? Its enough to give them around 20 minutes after a conflict, and then to apologize to them. Leos are true hotheads. Leo people over-dramatize a lot often and like to be dominant. And the best thing about a Leo is that they're not afraid to show just how much they know their self-worth. So, the next time a Gemini man or woman attempts to charm you, perhaps you would do well to keep in mind how they can be one of the most deadly zodiac signs around. Ego, Anger, and Revenge A Leo has a super fragile ego, takes everything personally, and can become hurt and angry at the smallest sign of disrespect. These are the least angry people if to compare them with all other astrological signs. Here are a few zodiac signs who are the scariest when angry, according to astrology. There are no people who do not get angry but it is the fact that each of us does it in absolutely different ways. They also do not like others planning their wardrobe or asking where they got their clothes from. Theyre looking to say any word just to shake peoples confidence. Sometimes they are so dangerous that no one can stop them from committing a crime when they are angry. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Helen Luc is a frequent contributor to YourTango. See additional information. Daniella Urdinlaz. Let's read further to find the most dangerous zodiac signs and may also understand the ruling force of each of them. However, these people tend to act like spoiled children if someone bothers them. As a creature, the scorpion is undersized, but its sting can be deadly, a fact that also applies to zodiac signs. More than this, those with whom they are angry must bring proof that they are innocent, so that they can be treated in a fairly way. Not only are they stubborn, but when they are angry, never expect them to bend or calm down. Their keen understanding of people makes them experts at gauging what people need and then, giving them exactly what they want. Meanwhile, there Read more, Lets face it, there is something irresistibly tempting about the idea of having full control over your life. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of restrictions, Capricorn people cant be called the most dangerous zodiac sign when angry, but they are unforgiving. To forgive, they need to be reassured that they are appreciated and loved. But otherwise, they can be brutal. Yesterday you were so gentle with Read more, Children's horoscope (horoscope for parents), Written astrology consultation Your personal horoscope for 2022. Each one of us has a certain element of aggression within. They can be passive aggressive and make snide remarks to others when they are angry. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? However, they can go for their prey and get their revenge without being late. It seems that nothing strange has happened but these personalities feel stressed and excited. Everything about a Leo is, grand, flashy, showy, and dramatic, including their dark side. 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"This usually [gentle] sign can change in a flash, especially if you hurt their very sensitive feelings," Barretta says. Scorpios are dangerous because they mask their darkness with humor, but never be fooled, as it is just a farce. Taurus has a reputation for being able to stare you down while standing their ground. More than this, they are always looking to do anything in their power to prove how right they are, not to mention that most of the time they are not ready to admit they are wrong. As Susan Shumsky, Vedic astrologer and author of Instant Healing, tells Bustle, "Perhaps they might excuse themselves, leave the room, go to another location where they can be alone, and take out their aggression on an inanimate object." If youre curious about which zodiac natives are most likely to display an aggressive or even murderous streak, weve compiled this most evil zodiac signs list. They hold grudges, and they do not easily let go of whatever upset them. Leo is the Nemean Lion, which was killed by Hercules on one of the 12 labors he had to perform for killing his family. Theyre considered one of the most dangerous zodiac signs when angry and are known to carry their grudges to their graves. When they are faced with conflicts and annoyances, they respond with. Some zodiac signs express their anger more than others. If you have made a Pisces angry there are chances you might not be on talking terms with him or her ever again. For Capricorn, a day without work is like a day without sunshine. While the Aries grit and determination are unmatched, their quest for growth and power can make them quite ruthless in their pursuits. The most dangerous thing is a strong memory.. As one of the zodiac signs that have anger issues, Capricorns often have trouble controlling the verbal abuse they can hurl at people. And yet, just like the other signs, this is a bad habit they can definitely overcome. That one person whose anger makes your legs tremble and your heart race. What the natives of this sign cannot bear is being corrected or even proven wrong. As a fire sign, Sagittariuses FUME when they are mad. More than this, its not a good idea to be brutally honest with these people because they dont really like being told the truth in their face. They. However, these people have the tendency to act like spoiled kids if someone is bothering them. Plus, if a person already has anger issues and if they belong to the most aggressive zodiac sign, youll know you might need to keep your distance from them. Before we talk about which one is the most dangerous zodiac sign when angry or which one is the most violent zodiac sign, its important to understand that just because a person belongs to a certain zodiac doesnt mean theyre definitely going to be evil or murderous. If you werent aware, more people died under his presidency than Hitler and Stalin combined. Leo. Their anger melts away within a few minutes, however, while they are angry, they might turn extremely nasty and rude. However, some people are way more short-tempered than others, and astrology can reveal which zodiac signs are predisposed to having short tempers. This list can help you in more ways than you know. The emotionally cold nature of Capricorns can cause problems in their relationships since they wont be able to open up to someone emotionally. It's all about recognizing unhealthy habits, and making an effort to change. A angry Gemini can spit fire and their words can hurt very much. Do not call them 'needy'. I deal with clients around the world ranging from different ethnicities and age groups. These insults often become a source of their anger but it often happens that they will not share their feelings with anyone else and never explain what was the reason for them. Proud Leos cannot lose their cool, no matter how hurt they are. People always find it challenging to communicate or work with people who get irritated very easily. Every Leo is more than a Leo. They try to keep everything inside but people can easily spot that it is time to worry due to aggressive behavior. But if you're the person with the bad temper, you might want to be mindful of the way your anger affects others. Just like their symbol, the bull. When they are angry, Leos strongly think they are right and won't back down from a fight. Often, this leads them to commit psychotic crimes that gain them the most fame. 13 Ways To Know If A Gemini Man Is In Love With You, 13 Unique Traits That Make A Scorpio Woman Attractive. Among the people who belong to one of the zodiac signs below can be parents, friends, or even life partners. Leo. Unless made angry, they can be quite calm. When an Aries native is angry, it would be better for those around to get out of the way as quickly as they can. There is no zodiac sign as driven and as ambitious as this fire sign. And that's often not worth it. Like their animal symbol, the lion, they are social animals who are d, How to Attract a Sagittarius Man: 12 Keys to His Heart. With their fiery energy, passion, and enthusiasm for everything, Leos have standout personalities, traits, and characteristics. They are also unafraid to resort to insults when they are angry with someone. "They might not show their temper outright but may act out by doing something [] to undermine the person they are angry at. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. While they dont shout or get violent, its their anger itself that speaks of fire. Sometimes,people are easily annoyed because they are sleep-deprived or haven't eaten yet. YourTango is the leading online magazine dedicated to love and relationships. You should not be intimidated by their anger and try to sound as convincing as possible to stop their anger. However, they may be angry and not express it, at which point they are cold and not angry. Geminis are the masters of communication and also of manipulation in a relationship. Gemini's are likely to commit crimes like stealing but not necessarily violent crimes. READ: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Sagittarius (As Written By One). 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. The main thing that makes them angry is jokes or making fun of them. "They are a 'quiet' storm," Barretta says. However, theyre not the ones to play any mind game because they like to let others know when theyre being angry. And for good reason. They are not patient, they do not waste time wondering why they should get revenge or why apologies are necessary for them, not to mention that they are like royalty for whom pride is everything. Leos rank second on the list of most dangerous Zodiac signs because they have high tempers. Among the earth signs, Taurus stands out for its intimidatingly violent temperament. As soon as they are calm and collected, Leos can regain their logic and clear mind. All Rights Reserved. Anger can overwhelm them, and they are not afraid to direct their criticisms toward the nearest target. They are the scariest when angry and make sure that they make their presence felt even in a room of 100. Leo can be surprising when it comes to just how upset they get. Leos, being the most fierce, can also be dangerous to a great extent. 1. A Leo may get offended over minor things. What makes them the most aggressive zodiac sign is the fact that they can often turn violent and extremely hostile when they feel theyre being dominated. This article has explained that every astrological sign can get angry but only some of them display aggression towards others. This fixation/obsession with love can make them one of the most dangerous zodiac signs. When this fury gets to the burning point, Cancers explode like volcanoes. 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Known To Make The Best Partners, Your Biggest Relationship Flaws Based On Your Zodiac Sign, 7 Zodiac Signs With Expensive Taste Who Love The High Life. ALSO READ:Scorpio to Libra: 4 Zodiac signs who are likely to have love marriages, Journalist. Therefore, they should not be told that they look tired or that they have aged. They are prone to be borderline criminal in nature when pushed into a corner, but they also know how to get away with it. Leo Zodiac Sign: All You Need To Know About Them, Leo Qualities, Positive and Negative Traits. Leos give a lot of importance to their pride. Silent people like still waters, are deep and dangerous.. All rights reserved. For this reason, they should be allowed to calm down after someone has angered them. As soon as quiet and settled, Leos can have their logic and clear mind back. Represented by the twins, Gemini can have "extreme sides to their [personality]," Amid says, including a surprisingly bad temper. RELATED:10 Best & Worst Personality Traits & Characteristics Of The Aries Zodiac Sign. Those who are hurrying to engage them too fast and too rationally can be left out in the cold. Some Scorpios are even known to be violent! These natives can hunt down their enemies and at the same time be destructive while doing so. Therefore, Leos shouldnt be expected to shower others in praises or to use loving words, not even to be appreciative. As a matter of fact, they wouldnt mind to be called divine either. Top 7 most dangerous zodiac signs under stress: those are the zodiac signs that overreact when upset. Gemini is the angriest person that could ever exist. If you think that the main reason for that is a bad mood or nasty heritage, you are mistaken. They're never angry, but raging. Let Them Cool Off. Whats more, the characteristics that define Capricorns often result in them being careless with their crimes, hence they get caught more often than not. And when it comes to their temper, there's no holding them back. The astrology origins are lost Read more, Each person is unique in nature. For example, if a Cancer is not invited to a friend's party, she will likely send an angry text to her the next day, or even lash out on her on social media. Its also worth noting that the unique characteristics of each zodiac result in different manifestations of evil. They will be recollecting all your past deeds. When it comes to astrology, there are definitely a few zodiac signs that are known for their calm, level-headed demeanors, as well as a few signs that have surprisingly bad tempers. Well, theres not much you can do when you have an angry Taurus around. Its just that they need to express their feelings, no matter what. More than this, it is not a good idea to be brutally honest with these people because they really do not like to be told the truth to their face. Be careful the next time youre near this angry zodiac sign! There are some Aquarius natives who are sweet as candy, but some are so ruthless, they have painted the zodiac sign rather negatively. Another popular reason for getting upset is unpredictable changes in the mood characteristic of water signs. Aquarians dont express their dissatisfaction immediately, instead, they let it build up, and when the cup fills up they burst out spectacularly. It doesnt take much to upset this zodiac sign. And weve all had moments where something as small as a spilled coffee or a jammed printer practically ruinour day.
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