I don't know if I am able to, honestly.This really feels like karmic bond. I will try to expand on it in greater detail for ya, so check back:). I started seeing a guy whose Venus is in my 12th house as well as his Mercury in my 12th house. Never felt this way in my life. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 Its really SOMETHING, and at times its like being on a roller coaster ride. I love them unconditionally, to the point like they are flawless in my eyes. It just went down a long and winding road until it got out of control. 12th house is about what you cant grab, so it applies to his affection as you perceive it. Are you afraid to admit your feelings? My ex-12th Houser has Venus/Cancer which made it difficult for him to open up, unless it was totally on HIS terms. The water faucet with no shut off valve, lol. Long story short I am finally over MY 12th House love for many of the reasons posted by Morag. With your partner's Venus in your 12th house, you are drawn to and captivated by your significant other. Relationships that take place here( 2 or more planets in this house) offer a great deal of healing, self undoing, and even unconditional love but it's not easy to navigate. So strange in this 12th house. If neither one has any issues like these then the relationship does not need to take on such a heavy role and can then be about many of the positive aspects of this house. I think we are a bit obsessive about each other although he seemed to be feeling it the worst. Thanks for sharing your experience:) Very psychic this 12th house Synastry, you really feel connected regardless if you are together or not it's like you exist on another plane 0: Very interesting article! Told him, but am sure he did not get it, but Im sure it made for interesting playback. Him: Cancer sun/moon, Libra rising, Gemini Venus Me: Libra sun, leo moon, Gemini rising , Scorpio Venus. His Venus and Jupiter fall in my 9th house. I would be very interested as always in hearing about any findings or further experience or information you can conjur up! Any help would be greatly appreciated.p.s., any planet people willing to share their experience with their planets in someone's 12th would also be appreciated, As far as who feels what.. it would make sense they both would feel it since one persons planet is being housed ( in a environment) therefore the planet is being influenced also by the house person in their approach and the others is bringing the energy influence. Pretty much text book situation. I feel you, kak.. Im the planet person, in which im the venus, he's the house person. His Venus is also conjunct my Pluto and we also have Venus square Venus. At least in a romantic situation, often what happens is that the house person doesn't "feel" or has a hard time seeing the love of the Venus person. All 12th House relationships are not bad; mine was. To this some spice adds venus/neptune square. This could be the unconditional kind of love people look for, its about whether or not you can handle it. Although my guy is very vulnerable with me as well, he is still more controlled than I, in the sharing of deeper things (probably his Scorp rising). The moment we talked I felt like I knew him since always, and when started shring some details it was like we had the same growing up, same ambitions (my Sun is in Aries, his in Capricorn). Especially natal charts and composite charts. I feel I cannot even hide from him. And for that I am sorry you had to experience that. Will you tell me what this mean in synastry? Pluto in your partners 1st This placement can be very powerful between two people that are attracted to each other in a love relat Jupiter in synastry represents where we will inspire, encourage and instill faith in our partners, and even addthem luck. Knowflake. Juno in Twelfth House. But I have to work with him and Im afraid he can realize and maybe use this against me. I cared abt him so much but I read that the mars person is the antagonist. It was beautiful and tragic, and the deepest feelings I ever had. Feeling an intense attraction but beyond the physical, even that he was the personification for what I find attractive in the opposite sex. As if it was not enough he has moon conjunct pluto in the 5th and Venus square Pluto and Venus trine Saturn. Long time away for me. My Venus conjunct his north node in 12 Pisces , and his Venus conjunct my vertex on desc ..From my part, I felt the karmic connexion.I was sure I need to do something with him, teach him something, Learn something from him..and I felt the sexual attraction also ( we have Sun/Pluto in 8 Scorpio) but,guess what? And the worst part is I cant tell if hes going to be my salvation or my greatest self sabotage and final, complete ruination of my life. He told you that he is not in love with you. No way, jose. We are obsessed with eachother. My 12th Houser actually taught and showed me the GEMINI IN ME that I was in denial of. My Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury are in Gemini and fall in his 12th house. No WONDER I cant get it on for long with my Gemini partners . Tense aspects can be difficult to overcome. and NO MORE 12TH HOUSE PARTNERS FOR ME!! But Tabitha seems to attract controlling lovers (maybe she has Pluto in her 7th House). That 12th house is a tricky one, and both charts would be helpful in sorting through all that. His moon fall in my 5th house. Im so sorry for the delay! I made our synastry. What's weird to me is that I can't decide if he's intentionally obscuring himself or if it is unintentional based on the nature of his personality. Romance and excitement are part of this synastry contact and it can show a relationship that feels as if it is developing too fast. I also was getting crazy muscle twitches. Feel free to elaborate in the comments. but I must admit they FASCINATE me!! It doesn't necessarily have to do with verbal flattery but the presentation, image or interaction boosts the House. It is sometimes necessary to give people the spacevthey need, even if it hurts. this was all chinese for him but for me it was the confirmation Of I had felled. I think what really happens is too much is shared to quickly, many secrets, and hidden parts of oneself and why things often get complicated. They may feel a strong sense of familiarity or a deep emotional bond that is difficult to explain. His Moon squares my NN. or I fail? Venus person and House 1 person feel a. My daughter and i also have gemini mercury and my baby girl also has venus in gemini. In a synastry chart, this is indicative of strong affection and attraction. Please see special article on The 12th house synastry along with Neptune Moon Aspects for the descriptions will explain in greater detail. He has trouble verbalizing his feelings but he said he's always been like that. When Im with him its like everything else in the world just melts away. Brrrrrrr . If his actions speak (this would be something your pick up on intuitively) that he loves you, but his words dont. It is spiritual for both people, but sometimes this is why the relationships seem to be so painful if they end. Mars is a aggressive action oriented planet and again as always it would depend on the individual who is activating your 12th house. because it hurts to know this about yourself, or just accept it. I just recently met someone by accident online (a learning site.) I can confirm that he appears in my dreams often and usually these are precognitive dreams. He could not and cannot change . So, know that their insecurities and feelings may get in the way of connective relationships. It's much like a therapist/patient relationship. His sun falls in my 8th and his moon in my 12th where my sun is. Also, my sun/venus are in his 10th, moon in his 5th, mars in his 4th. And with that 12th house influence and everything I read about Mars in 12th house I started asking myself if I should stay away from him. ( also his merc, pluto and uranus are in my 12th). Still, whenever I think about doing something new in my life, with anyone else I speak with confidence and gusto. the assumptions of the worst. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. you just have to separate your spirit from them somehow, as that seems to be the deepest connection between you and them. His Venus is trine my Mars. Registered: May 2009. posted June 11, 2013 02:39 PM. Required fields are marked *. I felt, I felt sooo hard, in a glance, while looking in his eyes, and feeling like I had know this person for ages. He shows me he cares with actions and he has told me twice he is in love with me. The Venus person gets all silly lovestruck everytime they see their object of desire. He brings my daughter candy and buys her ice cream and toys. Thats so commendable of you to always have a welcome for him in your heart. The house person will feel good with the Venus person and they will share a psychic connection that is quite powerful. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The general claim is that it disturbs the person whose twelfth house is activated. But as his Sun is caught up in my 12th House, he now and then tries to make an appearance. His Venus squares my Vertex. Im also worried he is using me on many levels and though his words and actions say otherwise, I feel that this is at least partially true. Lol. I also faced this same situation from my present crush whom he married with the woman same as my first ex BF criteria. And also a lot of Saturn and Neptune going on. Take the love goggles off. Its been a year since we last saw each other and 5 months since we last spoke. It's as if nither of us are ready to let go fully. Hi, Elsa!! Where your Venus falls in your partner's chart shows where you bring these energies into their life. One is Taurus and the other is Libra. Hanging onto him and wishing for return engagements may bring you much heartache, and even loss he might be a sociopath and if that is how he rolls you could lose much in the ways of material goods. Mars in the 3rd house overlay: This position for Mars in synastry, much like the 1st house position, can be very stimulating in either a positive or negative way.On the one hand, this position can stimulate a lot of invigorating conversation between the two, and the house person can appreciate how vocal and confident the Mars person is in their speech. Lol. I've never felt such a connection before, the passion too. Men take longer to grow up emotionally. We had an affair that was hidden, even though I would have given everything to be with him full time. Be direct, ask questions, dig deep, ask for proof and confirmation. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Also with another friend who showed interest and I really just wanted to remain on a friend basis. There are two zodiac signs associated with Venus in astrology. We have our moons in each others first houses which for my cancer stellium does a lot, and he has mars and venus in my 7th house. could you explain in detail why this weird connection happens in this 12th house? Neptune can be downright painful, intentionally or not, he's the master illusionist and we can easily get tripped up in fantasy that is not really real at all. He left few weeks after we met for a travel for six months. My Moon quincunx his Moon. And yes, it plays out just you would think it does. Either come correct or go away. I also cant tell you, definitively, how theyre experienced by the person who has their twelfth house activated. Posts: 2196 From: Uranus Registered: May 2011: posted March 08, 2013 01:12 PM . like a Gemini (no offense meant) they are both good and evil, but THEIR Evil Twin often does the acting out. I can definitely feel the effects of his planets in my 12th, but in your experience is the planet person affected? On a very genera Don't forget to check out your monthly love horoscopes ! Hi, 12th house placements are highly impressionable, they stay with you long after because it's a highly idealized house, be careful you can easily fool yourself. It can point to an affair or clandestine encounter. My boyfriends cancer venus is in my 12th house. But when I'm around him, it's like a physical stalemate. was it really necessary to get hurt in a same manner once again after 7 years? My 12th house Saturn conjunct his NN and His Chiron and Saturn conjunct my NN. But we fell in love, got divorced from our previous partners, came out at work, moved in together, got . As a matter of fact it's very difficult to word. In the synastry between my husband and myself, my Mars and Saturn lands in his 12th house. I can feel him, seeing many good things in him that he never aware. Posts: 45239From: Saturn next to CharmainecRegistered: Apr 2009, He tries to act like he's not the jealous type but he is. The moon represents our instincts, our moods, our feelings and emotional responses along with how we nurture, feel nurtured, the wo North and South node connections in synastry are very powerful and often fated. But I didn't consider him anymore. Negatively, the planet person can use any of these fears as a way to control them, manipulate them or to use against them in some way. Yes, assumptions is one thing that takes place a lot in this house. But we do know a lot more about it than we did some time ago. In future, i'll try to do some research about this mysterious house according to my religion. Sent 5 times a week. My Mars,North node and Pluto(in my DC) conjunct his Uranus and Saturn in the 1st house. Am thankful that noting bad occurred from him, but there was the feeling that he could and would hurt me. (Waving with both hands) thanks much for the updates. In fact, I was his spiritual company for more than the twenty years we spent apart. I trust everything happens for a reason! Horoscope, dating, astrology, forecast, relationships | 12andus :) Would also love to read about Double Whammies in the 12th if you have any info. Now i know why. Possibly. As he has moved on, you must do also. Lifelong, apparently Dad was a Sun/Gemini, Mom was a Sun/Scorpio the WORST connective relationship ever! It's like the cuddling is saved for when the other really needs it. Problem is that I feel like I know his soul. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! My TWIN SIDE also is grateful, but is now more underground, and that may actually be a blessing, as I also began to mirror his BAD actions and ill temperaments. I forgot to say my venus is in his first house and when we met it was like that scene from twilight where Edward walks into the cafeteria in slow motion, the wind was blowing (indoors!) We are from different countries. A Venus in the 12th House man is a sweet, gentle, kind of person who likes to help both people and animals. First of all i think in this case venus is in the 1st house. No idea if I appear in his?! Venus in 12th entirely depends on how well both people can handle Neptune. Sun conjunct saturnSun conjunct venusSun conjunct mercury (double whammy)Sun conjunct sun, ------------------Gemini sun 12thCancer asc 1stTaurus moon 11thTaurus venus 11thLibra mars 3rdGemini mercury 11th, Copyright 2000-2013 Im all thumbs up, though, for those who do not nave the bad effects of a 12th House synastry. Oh yes i read about that but hes not like that at all. he still talks with a kind voice which i hate of being him a hypocrite.what does the whole thing means? He has trouble verbalizing his feelings but he said he's always been like that. When wondering around in someones 12th or they in yours? and yes check your saturn sometimes saturn can point to what you don't likebut then again it cam be good and make you feel comfortable with someomethats why overall picture of synastry is so important!!!!! But afflicted venus indicates the negative effects of the venus/ neptune aspects. To the point it's hard to explain to others especially because we're no longer together. Those this mean that he's thinking about me a lot too? I know exactly what you mean and boy is it hard to wrap your head around 12th house connections, there are other worldly and they leave a deep impression that is hard to shake off. One who never had to deal with neptune before would have it very difficult to submerge themselves past the toes dipping. someone's venus in my 12th, feel unconditional/boundless love for him. and it was unreal and he sat down at our table and I felt like my entire body was on fire. This is because there are endless ways these things can play. Venus in 10th House synastry relationships are formed in the field of business and professional life. Double whammies. Sigh.. The 12th House is also known as the House of mystery while Venus symbolizes intuition and artful communication. This person also has natal Neptune in their 7th house and MY Neptune falls in their 7th house. game vault 999 login; extreme double anal; asian school girl porn; karma x nagisa story; jamf enable screen sharing; myq device is currently not in provisioning mode People who are willing to fully trust can let themselves loose in the 12th house if you show hesitation than it can make a big difference. just keep on going in the OPPOSITE direction away from me as FAR AS YOU CAN!! All we can do is hope for something good in the future! ), but at the same time on his POSITIVE/GOOD TWIN sign I recognized parts of myself that were. I wish you lick with your 12th Houser, but there is a saying that 12th House connections are doomed to fail at least at one point. Often taking hour long walks around town/woods just the two of us, talking endlessly.I just see ALL this Neptunian energy and wonder if there is even a point of pursuing him that way rather than just staying really, really good friends. NO THANKS!!! This is why this house also holds our hidden enemies. I really have no idea whats going on but we have crazy placements, if anyone wants to discuss further please let me know!! Venus in partner's 12th house: This indicates a strong subconscious attraction which can sometimes feel confusing, because there is a lot of fog around emotions. Posts: 1873From: GeorgiaRegistered: May 2009. there are two people who have venus in my 12th i just adore. Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 The 12th house is the house of the spirit, it's deep and mysterious, and usually where we find our guides, angels or demons. For instance, my Sun and Venus land in the 12th house of my ex/long term best friend. Now it doesn't happen that often but I can say that as the house person, I'm almost always affected by someone who has Venus in my 12th and if it aspects some of my planets. I have a very bad experience with someone's mars on my 12th house. Maybe my cancer north node and his venus in cancer helps things. Venus is the planet of love which makes him lovable by his likable behavior and persuasive way of talking. Hi thank you for visiting! I dont have other words for that. I can feel him there within me and he seems to be aware of things that I dont want him to be eg. Take it like a grain of salt and more of insecurity on their behalf. Yes gifts can be found, but contrarily mental illness, sexual issues, drugs and alchohol issues, you name it it's all here too. I am very partnered elsewhere in my life but looked up his chart because he feels like family or someone i knew in a past life or something. Hi Aida! I love him, he opens me up to questions I would never put a name to but a part of me just wants to run away where he cant find me. Wow . I have friends and one niece with Moon/Cancer who are entirely emotional and often easily bruised, though they hide it well under their hard, decorative shells. But really what you also might be feeling is the Pluto Square Sun as well, that is another energy in itself that draws two people like Moth to flame:) the 12th house has roots in the past and most certainly is Karmic so perhaps that explains why it can go either way. Mars in 12th house plus all the unease Im feeling is scary and terrifying. It is a great placement in synastry, of course depending on other aspects to the degree. I was more into him from the very beginning I went after HIM and found out that he really resented it. I dont think I can give a uniform answer as to how planets behave in the other persons 12th house. Thats one thing I have been thinking about since reading other threads on the subject..also what house does your Venus fall in in his chart? It ended when I invited him to my fathers birthday and he just couldnt do it (insert childhood issue here). Ya, I think we both feel a very strange draw to the other. And that he doesn't know what is good for him. He doesnt want a relationship but he wants you to feed some unstated emotional void so he keeps you strung along with longing stares and subtle flirtations. Hes very affectionate and cuddly. Just a added general observation for everyone. Accept all plexaderm rapid reduction serum in india Manage preferences. His sun, mercury, Neptune fall in my 8th house. I wonder what the key is to making these unusual relationships work.. http://www.nodeorama.com/viewtopic.php?id=2480, http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6930. I often attract men who has Leo personal planets which falls in my 12th house. Someone I love very deeply has his Venus and Sun and Jupiter and Mercury in my 12th house (actually, his Venus is tightly conjunct my ascendant and as I ignore his time of birth, it can fall also in my 1st house). I just want to kiss his cheek and heal his wounds. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Tell me as the Venus person how do u feel? It's such a surreal feeling. What does it mean, and how does it affectthings? Venus is considered a Benefic, which means that this planet tends to bring good fortune. so we didnt mentioned it untill the last month, i couldnt stand it anymore, and i wanted clairity, if he ever had felt for me. I have also experienced it as not wanting anyone to know about the relationship or not knowing where you stand. Two years ago I met a man with whom I had a one-night stand, thought of seeing only for that one night at a conference, yet continued to see each other for ten times during these two years. You will also find you share many of the same values, interests, and likes. Hi Sharmeen, I am very sorry, unfortunately 12th house connections can sometimes reflect deceptions, it is the house of hidden things, secrets etc.. HI, ELSA!! Even when on partner likes the other one partner would not want to be seen with the other person for whatever reasons as in maybe wanting to keep their option open; definitely a "behind the scenes" situation. This is a very private house, and it holds all of our self conscious fears, most of the time we don't like this house activated especially if this is a person that will use this against us.If the Mars person is selfish and self-serving, he or she may use their knowledge of your bad habits, blind spots and personality weaknesses to manipulate or hurt you. Lol and last night I noticed his Saturn/Pluto conjunct opposes my moon too. Oh lord: Hi, Steph sorry for the long delay in responding. As with all conjunctions, Venus conjunct Pluto synastry can play out in positive and negative scenarios alike.. Venus conjunct Pluto synastry relationships are based on the partners' strong romantic and physical attraction. You are BLESSED!! I dont want him anymore as he rejected me but I cant help but stop thinking about him. I agree with your experience. Sadly, I was the house person and hopelessly in love, while the Venus person would not admit their feelings even though we both knew they did feel for me, just like I felt for them.. Actually, the guy told me "I love you, *insert my name here*" while we were in class, but we barely knew each other and I didn't know if he was being serious.. later on he denied it said it was a joke (but it wasn't). Venus in the 12th house Synastry ( Love that's hard to catch) - YouTube When Venus falls into ones 12th house things can get very tricky and vague. SYNASTRY: NORTH AND SOUTH NODE CONNECTIONS. Ill blink and its 1am. It's all about 12th house. Months passed, in where I was writing him letters, telling him about life, telling him about astrology. He said, he hadn't and he just hoped we could be good friends when he returned.
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